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法国知名家电Magimix —— 过年厨房必备神器


by Wesydney


有着食物料理机先驱之称的法国品牌Magimix正在推出2023年农历新年惊喜特惠。这个标志性的具有悠久历史的品牌旗下有一系列食物料理机、搅拌机、榨汁机和极其流行的焖烧锅 ——Cook Expert酷烹乐。这些优质厨具是所有节日的备餐神器,让美食的制备和烹饪变得轻而易举。




Cook Expert酷烹乐历来是备受大众欢迎的多功能厨具,不但可以处理食材,还可以烹饪——能炒能焖、能蒸能炖、揉面搅拌样样都行。在过年期间购买Cook Expert酷烹乐,Magimix将额外赠送一个价值540澳元的套装,含XXL蒸锅、高级米勺和餐叉组合。


17277 XXL Steamer_Panier Vapeur XXL Dish





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榨汁一直深受人们喜爱,流行趋势有增无减,而这完全合乎情理,因为它能在你的饮食中增加更多蔬果的营养成分。如果你想要一个多用途榨汁机,同时还可以用来切菜和研磨,那么Juice Expert 3就是为你设计的神器。过年期间每购买一台,就可以免费获得价值220澳元的蔬菜处理套装。


magimix_juice expert 3





Magimix系列产品可在特定零售商店购买,包括 Kitchen WarehouseDavid JonesMyerPeters of KensingtonWinning AppliancesMinimaxTVSN,以及各种厨商店和会员计划。过年促销的条款和条件适用。请访问 www.magimix.com.au了解更多细节。


包括手续费.   请检查条款和条件了解更多细节。



About Magimix 

Born out of Burgundy, an internationally renowned region for gastronomy, Magimix has been designing and making high-quality premium kitchen appliances for 50 years. With our roots in professional products designed for commercial use, creating great quality food is at the heart of everything we do - providing a helping hand to ensure all kitchen needs are met - be it slicing, grating, chopping, whisking, juicing, blending or kneading. As the inventors of the World's first Food Processor, we continue to focus on combining the best cooking traditions with today’s technology across our entire product range. To many, the enduring appeal of Magimix is that its products are built better to last longer – a statement strengthened by the longest guarantees and best after-sale service. Magimix has been an eco-friendly company since the very beginning, respecting its basic aim of designing and making simple, efficient, lasting products. The world’s top restaurants use the professional versions of our products and true to our origins, are always at the forefront of innovation. Designed and made in France, Magimix is the perfect aid for all your food preparations.









