People from far and wide have flocked to Chatswood over the weekend (Saturday, 21January) for Willoughby Council’s Lunar New year festival hosted in partnership with the NSW Liberal and National Government. 周末(1 月 21 日,星期六),来自四面八方的人们涌入车士活,参加威洛比市议会与新南威尔士州自由党和国家党政府合作举办的农历新年庆祝活动。
Willoughby Council was one of 15 councils to successfully receive a major grant from the NSW Liberals and Nationals to host multicultural events and festivals in their local areas. Willoughby 议会是 15 个成功获得新南威尔士州自由党和国民党的大笔拨款以在当地举办多元文化活动和节日的市议会之一。
Minister for Multiculturalism Mark Coure said the council received $980,000 to run three events a year for two years, including its Lunar New Year festival. 多元文化部长 Mark Coure 表示,该委员会收到了 980,000 美元,用于在两年内每年举办三场活动,其中包括农历新年节。
“It was fantastic to see Chatswood come alive and to see so many people come to celebrate and immerse themselves in the colour and vibrancy of Lunar New Year,” Mr Coure said. “看到车士活活跃起来,看到这么多人前来庆祝,沉浸在农历新年的色彩和活力中,真是太棒了,”Coure先生说。
“Each of the local councils we are partnering with, such as Willoughby Council, shows that our multicultural society isn’t isolated to one city or suburb, but really does extend right across NSW.” “我们正在与之合作的每个地方议会,例如威洛比议会,都表明我们的多元文化社会并非孤立于一个城市或郊区,而是确实延伸到整个新南威尔士州。”
The festival was headlined by a number of free major attractions including the famed Rabbit Sculptures Trail—eight large-scale inflatable rabbits, which have featured in nearly 300 cities around the world. 节日的头条是一些免费的主要景点,包括著名的兔子雕塑步道——八只大型充气兔子,它们已经遍布全球近 300 个城市。
Member for Willoughby, Tim James, said it was pleasing to see so many people come to the local area to celebrate Lunar New Year. Willoughby 议员 Tim James 表示,很高兴看到这么多人来到当地庆祝农历新年。
“The NSW Government partnering with Willoughby Council to host this major event is certainly a win for our local community. It shows just how much we value celebrating our diversity,” Mr James said. “新南威尔士州政府与威洛比市议会合作举办这一重大活动对我们当地社区来说无疑是一场胜利。这表明我们多么重视庆祝我们的多样性,” James先生说。
“Events such as this one are great tourist attractions and local economy boosters—I am looking forward to seeing what Willoughby Council has in store for its next two major events.” “像这样的活动是很棒的旅游景点和当地经济的助推器——我期待看到威洛比议会为接下来的两场大型活动准备的东西。”
Willoughby Council is one of 15 local councils that has received funding from the NSW Government to host its events in 2023 and 2024. All successful councils will partner with the NSW Government and co-fund to host events. For more information visit Willoughby议会是 15 个获得新南威尔士州政府资助在 2023 年和 2024 年举办活动的地方议会之一。所有成功的议会都将与新南威尔士州政府合作并共同出资举办活动。如需更多信息,请访问 。

Minister Mark Coure

Minister Mark Coure with Local Member Tim James